What Steps We Follow
Working Strategy We Follow.
First Step
Project Conception and Initiation.

Second Step
Project Defination and Planning.
The second project management step is definition and planning. Once your project’s been given the go-ahead, it’s time to stamp out the scope, schedule, and cost of a project. This is usually done by drawing up a project plan, scope or charter, then calculating a budget, the resources needed, and a schedule. This is also the stage where you want to create a risk management plan: identify potential problems or obstacles and develop procedures to prevent them, or deal with them quickly if they do happen.
It’s worth noting that all of these items are subject to change during the project. Orders could be delayed or problems could arise, so when drawing up these plans you need to give some leeway and predict the most likely area for delays. You should also note the flexibility of the teams working on the project, as if a delay occurs you may need to divert resources in order to hit the deadline.
Two popular methods of creating goals for a project are SMART and CLEAR.
Third Step
Project Launch and Execution.

Fourth Step
Project Performance and Control.
Last Step
Project Close.